• "The audience is led into a digitally created world of astonishing sounds and images, where every movement made alters the visual display as the virtual garden bursts into bloom and life" - Stanley Halls, The Guardian - Croydon

  • "It is extraordinary. It is mesmerizing. It was a sensual feast of colour sound and movement based on themes form Kurdish culture and art…" - Western Daily Press, Harry Mottram

  • "Dance, vibrant lighting, visual and art music will take children on unique exploration of another culture through four imaginary gardens. Each garden is inspired by Rebwar’s childhood in Kurdistan and is linked to a different colour and his own special memories." - What’s On, Waking Dance Festival


  • XXI Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Teatrów Lalek SPOTKANIA | ‘Il Giardino Dipinto’ | Torun (PL) | 2014

  • Teatri di Vita | Premio della giuria dei ragazzi ‘Il Giardino Dipinto’ | Porto Sant’Elpidio (IT) | 2007


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Intorno ad un cortile di luce colorata che ricorda un tappeto arabeggiante, il pittore curdo Rebwar Saeed ci invita ad entrare nel suo giardino. E’ un posto speciale, dipinto con i suoi colori preferiti: il giallo (il giardino di terra), il blu (il giardino d’acqua), il verde (il giardino di foglie), il rosso (il giardino dell’amore).

E’ un giardino-gioco dove esplorare la bellezza della natura, i suoi elementi ed il sapore dell’infanzia. Sulla scena due danzatrici, vestite di giallo e di rosso si muovono siello spazio ed interagiscono con immagini che appaiono sul tappeto grazie ad un gioco di proiezioni.nuose n Anche i bambini possono "disegnare" il loro giardino camminando o rotolando su questo tappeto sensibile. E’ un tappeto "magico", sotto la superficie luminosa ci sono dei sensori collegati ad un computer che reagiscono al tatto.

I quattro giardini colorati si "aprono" con una danza e rivelano gli arabeschi di un giardino orientale. I bambini possono entrare, interagire con i suoni e le immagini ed il gioco si trasforma in esperienza percettiva, in un contatto ludico e originale con le arti.


The Painted Garden is a garden created by the painter Rebwar Saeed, where the colours of the Kurdish natural landscape and the geometric harmonies of the islamic garden merge and play with each other: In this oriental space, the painter invites the public to follow an imaginary path through four gates, each of them leads to an area dedicated to a different colour and element: the yellow garden (earth), the blu garden (water), the green garden (leaves), the red garden (love).

The theatrical action ends in the ‘garden of waterworks’. In this travel children explore colours, matter, the use of shapes and space, together with the beauty of Rebwar’s imaginary gardens. On stage two dancers create some choreographies inside the different landscapes, each of which contains an animated play environment, which the painter proposes to the children. The exploration develops through frames and the dancers invite the young audience to enter the places, where stones, the ground, flowers, water and animals suggest a theatrical relationship which permits to the gardens to develop.

In this technologically sophisticated scenery, by means of light and instantaneous ways, the public is invited to interact and live a theatrical experience based on a ‘tactile’ relationship with images and sounds.The garden proposes an aesthetic and sensorial experience, where the games connected with the sensitive carpet represent some metaphors of the relationships among children, develop the connections between the self and others, and help the audience to build up a primary approach to the theatre and a playful contact with the arts.


Autour d’une cour de lumière colorée qui ressemble à un tapis arabe, le peintre Kurde Rebwar Saeed nous invite à entrer dans son jardin. C’est un endroit unique, peint avec ses couleurs préférées: jaune (le jardin de terre), bleu (le jardin d’eau), vert (le jardin des feuilles), rouge (le jardin de l’amour).

Le jardin est inspiré par le pays et les lieux de son enfance, le Kurdistan. C’est un jardin-jeu pour explorer la beauté de la nature et ses éléments. Sur scène, deux danseuses, habillées en jaune et rouge, dansent sinueuses dans l’espace et interagissent avec les images qui apparaissent sur le tapis, grâce à un jeu de projections. Même les enfants peuvent "dessiner" leur jardin en marchant sur ce tapis sensible.

C’est un tapis "magique".Sous la surface se trouvent des capteurs connectés à un ordinateur qui réagissent au toucher et qui créent un jeu interactif de sons et d’images,.Mais ici, la technologie est invisible, délibérément cachée. Les quatre jardins colorés "s’ouvrent" avec une danse et révélent les arabesques d’un jardin oriental. Les enfants peuvent participer, interagir avec les sons et les images, et le jeu se transforme en expérience perceptive, en un contact ludique et original avec les arts.


Alrededor de un cuadro de luz coloreada que recuerda una alfombra de estilo árabe, el pintor kurdo Rebwar Saeed nos invita a entrar en su jardín. Es un lugar especial, pintado con sus colores preferidos: amarillo (el jardín de la tierra), azul (el jardín del agua), verde (el jardín de las hojas), rojo (el jardín del amor). El jardín está inspirado en los paisajes y lugares de su infancia, el Kurdistán. Es un jardín de juegos donde explorar la belleza de la naturaleza y sus elementos.

En escena, dos bailarinas, vestidas de amarillo y rojo, se mueven sinuosas en el espacio e interactúan con imágenes que aparecen en el tapiz gracias a un juego de proyecciones. También los niños pueden “dibujar” su jardín caminando o rodando por este tapiz sensible. Es un tapiz “mágico”, bajo la superficie luminosa hay sensores ligados a un ordenador que reaccionan al tacto creando el juego interactivo de sonidos e imágenes. Pero en este caso la tecnología es invisible, intencionadamente escondida.

Los cuatro jardines de colores se “abren” con una danza y revelan los motivos arabescos de un jardín oriental. Los niños pueden entrar, interactuar con sonidos e imágenes y el juego se transforma en una experiencia perceptiva, un contacto lúdico y original con las artes.


compagnia TPO
in co-production with
Teatro Metastasio di Prato
  • artistic direction Francesco Gandi, Davide Venturini
  • choreography Anna Balducci, Luisa Cortesi
  • dance for two performers
  • drawing Rebwar Saeed
  • visual design Elsa Mersi
  • sound design Spartaco Cortesi
  • computer engineering Rossano Monti, Martin Von Günten
  • voice over Caterina Poggesi
  • costumes Loretta Mugnai
  • props Livia Cortesi
  • collaboration on script Stefania Zampiga